The American Gentleman

…is a dog. 

Technically, the best dog. 

A Boston Terrier.

And as a wacky coincidence, the breed of MY dogs. 

I love dogs. All of ‘em. 

Fluffy, chonky, herding, derpy…I don’t care. 

Love. Them. Alllll!

But something about this breed has me wrapped around their little toe-beaned paws!

So, here’s a quick JSYK dog-blog about the cutest creatures on the planet.

From a totally un-biased source. Me!

Did you know that Boston Terriers were the first dog from the US to be admitted into the American Kennel Club?

Obviously it all started in Boston around 1875, with Robert C. Hooper who bought a dog named “Judge” from a guy named Burnett.

Hooper bred Judge with another dog from Burnett, a white, bull-dog type named “Gyp” and that was the foundation of the breed!

So the AKC regards Hooper's “Judge” as the true ancestor of all modern Boston Terriers!

Other than the most stinkin’ adorable faces I have ever seen, they are crazy smart.

Like, weird smart.

And intuitive.

So easy to train!

They love people, other dogs, little kids, the elderly… I mean, c’mon! 

They’re the perfect size. 

And great for apartments because they’re not yappy and all extra with the barking.

Their hair is short, and shedding is pretty minimal. 

Along with their dapper, regal, sweet personalities and the fact that many look like they’re wearing little tuxes(!) they got the nickname, "the American Gentleman."

How cute is THAT??

So, meet my babies. 

And then Google, “how do I get my own Boston Terrier” like you know you will!

It’s okay. You’re human.

And they’re literally the best animals on Earth.

No bias. It’s science. 

Or something.